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April 7 Portrait.jpeg

Arabi Hadfi

PPC Specialist     Marketing Analyst

Aspiring marketing professional. Looking for my next opportunity to make a difference.


A confident, knowledgeable and tech enthusiast marketing expert, having extensive academic knowledge, up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques, processes and strategies. Through real life projects and personal projects, I gained skills and expertise in various marketing disciplines. I am an innovator and creative thinker willing to work with a company that allows me to grow.
Let's work together to develop value creation and a strong communication strategy.

Data Analysis   Campaign Management   CRM  Project Management   Marketing Automation   Marketing Strategy  Social Media   Market Research   Programmatic Media

My work


Marketing Campaign Dashboard

This is a post-marketing campaign dashboard that effectively showcases the remarkable success of the campaign. It provides various KPIs, demonstrating how it has effectively reached the intended target audience. The dashboard highlights the campaign's performance in terms of brand awareness, customer engagement, and conversion rates. With its charts and graphs, it provides a clear and concise overview of the campaign's impact and effectiveness.



  • Post campaign dashboard

Farming Carbon

In this project, I developed a comprehensive marketing plan for an existing business, leveraging relevant marketing theories from my master's program. The focus was on creating a communication plan, developing branding assets, conducting market research, defining customer personas, and establishing a channel strategy to effectively connect with consumers. This project showcases my ability to analyze and strategize marketing efforts, resulting in a well-rounded portfolio addition.


  • Farming Carbon report

  • Website HTML mockup



In this project, I have presented a business model report that showcases an innovative idea for a new business development. The report includes detailed information about the industry sector, identifies key gaps in service/products, and presents the Value Proposition Canvas. Additionally, the report visualizes the business idea as a Minimum Viable Product, providing a comprehensive overview of the project and its potential for success.



  • Organa business project proposal report

  • Organa Business Model infographic

  • Presentation URL

  • MVP Youtube URL

Pret A Manger - Case study

This case study required conducting background research on potential new international markets for Pret A Manger, which does not currently operate in those markets. This report evaluates macro and micro environmental factors that could impact the company's entry into these markets. This report selects and analyses three potential countries before choosing one for an in-depth micro environment analysis, including competition, market segmentation, pricing strategy, marketing communications plan, and market entry strategy. Finally, this report provides market entry recommendations based on the analysis.


  • Pret A Manger case study report

  • Presentation URL

Easy Backpack

In this project, I created a blog website on a topic of personal interest and regularly added blog posts to demonstrate my professional marketing skills. To improve SEO and drive traffic, I strategically used keywords. Additionally, I created an infographic showcasing screenshots of the social media and blog website, along with a project goal. The project report includes an analysis of data metrics from and Google Analytics to evaluate website traffic.



  • EasyBackpack infographic

  • Marketing Analytics report

  • Blog URL

SOW Foods

In this project, I conduct a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the applicability of traditional marketing theory in the context of entrepreneurial marketing for MSME enterprises. By conducting in-depth interviews with a diverse range of successful entrepreneurs, I aim to gain valuable insights and unique perspectives into the various entrepreneurial practices that contribute to their success. Through this research, I intend to shed light on the effectiveness of traditional marketing strategies and identify innovative approaches that can be adopted by MSME enterprises to enhance their marketing efforts and achieve sustainable growth.



  • SOW Foods Entrepreneurial Marketing report

  • Full interview transcript

Climax Community

This report presents a comprehensive group consultancy exercise that aims to evaluate a case company's digital engagement. Writing this report involved conducting a detailed digital audit, carefully interpreting the case context, and providing evidence-based recommendations and examples for a robust and effective digital marketing strategy. We followed the SOSTAC framework to ensure a structured and strategic approach to developing the digital marketing strategy. 


  • Climax Digital Marketing report

The Mirror Cast

In this project, I was asked to create a podcast as material to reflect on my experience with the Climax Community consultancy report. The podcast is designed to be informative and engaging, providing a platform for me to share the learnings I acquired during the process. I took the time to explore and highlight the key takeaways, drawing on my own insights and experiences. In addition to discussing the knowledge I had gained, I also delved into the challenges I faced during the project. I spoke about the various obstacles I encountered from inception to completion and how I overcame them, including the strategies and techniques I used to stay motivated and focused. The podcast was a great way to synthesize my experience and share my insights with others.


  • The Mirror Cast podcast notes

  • Podcast Youtube URL

Origin Digital

This case study takes the form of a long infographic about an analysis of the marketing environment for Origin Digital, an SME digital marketing agency based in Belfast. The paper identifies the factors that are most likely to impact this business within the current marketing environment and includes a rationale explaining why these factors are expected to have the greatest impact on the company.


  • Origin Digital infographic

  • Marketing Management report

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